How to use 9 whatsapp on a non-rooted phone

WhatsFapp, OgWhatsapp, SAWhatsapp, EnWhatsapp, OsmWhatsapp..etc..,,
How To Install ?
1) Install original whatsapp from play store
Register number 1 and verify it.
Do some chat and backup conversations 2-3 times
2) Now go setting into “APP INFO” for official whatsapp and “CLEAR DATA”
Install WhatsFapp (com.whatsfapp), enter Number 1 and tap restore chat backup
3) Now open official whatsapp and enter number 2 , verify it and do some chat again
Backup chats 2-3 times and clear data of official whatsapp
4)Now Install WhatsFupp (cum.whatsfapp) and enter number 2 there , restore chat so number 2
5) Open official whatsapp and verify number 3 so number 3 is settled now
6)Do the Same 1-5 Steps For OsmWhatsapp.
Download Here all Apk File:-
*OGwhatsapp(Updated)- (U Can Directy Access this Ogwhatsapp Without any chat backup conversati0n)
*Disa (Third Party Machine)-Unified Messaging System (U Can Directy Access this Disa Without any chat backup conversati0n) N U can use also Facebook,Etc….In Thiz App:-
Step 1: Download Disa Unified Messenger
Android (Google Play Link)
iOS (Not launched yet, but expected to launch soon)
Step 2: Open the apps, then you have to agree on the terms and condition

Step 3: Now under the service tab you will see “Add Service” option. Just minimize this app

Step 4: Open your default phone browser, and open this link

Step 5: Just tap on the QR code

Step 6: Tapping on QR code Disa Messenger will open, and you will see Downloading WhatsApp like this

Step 7: After complete download that hit on restart

Step 8: Now you need to configure WhatsApp, Just click on “WhatsApp Settings Needed”

Step 9: Now just enter your WhatsApp details that you want to create

Step 10: Now you need to verify your WhatsApp via SMS, just do all these stuffs. Now you can access WhatsApp via Disa like this
Now u have another whatsapp in one PHONE
-WhatsappDesi-More Version Of WhatsApp Desi
WhatsApp Desi Be A Boss Of WhatsApp
(Download Any one of these 4 links)

*Official Whatsapp
N Use Titanium Backup (0nly Rooted Phone)to use 10+ Whatsapp.......
